Honts, C. R., Kassin, S., Forrest, K. D. (2009, March). Polygraph Examiners Unable to Discriminate True and False Juvenile Confessions: Reid Training Detrimental. Paper presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Antonio, Texas.
Honts, C. R., Reavy, R., Markowski, K., McBride, S., Pitman, J., & Pitman, F. (2009, March). Variations in Comparison Question Test Methods Have Little Impact. Paper presented at the 2009 meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Antonio, Texas.
Honts, C. R. (2008, March). The polygraph: Misrepresented, misunderstood, and misused. Invited address Psychology and Law Lecture Series at The Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California.
Honts, C. R., Pittman, F. A., Pittman, J. V., McBride, S. T., Anderson, A. B., & Christiansen, A. K., (2008, May). A New Paradigm for the Study of Deception Detection at Portals. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
Christiansen, A., & Honts, C. R. (2007, March). The Incomprehensibility of judicial instructions and subsequent jury decisions. Paper presented at Off the Witness Stand: Using Psychology in the Practice of Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York.
Christiansen A. K., Honts, C. R., & Oldemeyer, L. (2007, May). Relationship Between Aggressive Authoritarianism And Juror Bias In Capital Trials, paper presented at the Western Psychological Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Forrest, K. D., Simonsen, S., & Honts, C. R. (2007, September). A comparison of maximization and minimization in the cheating paradigm. Paper presented at Interrogations & Confessions: A Conference Exploring Current Research, Practice, and Policy, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas.
Honts, C. R. (2007, March). Munsterberg’s polygraph in 2007: The emergence of the polygraph as an effective tool in criminal justice and national security. Paper presented at Off the Witness Stand: Using Psychology in the Practice of Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York.
Honts, C. R. (2007, May). Assessing Credibility at Portals. Invited address given at the Credibility Assessment Research Summit (CARS) held by the Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office (CTTSO), and the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment (DACA). Vienna, Virginia.
Honts, C. R. & Kassin, S. M. (2007, March). False confessions by juvenile offenders found more believable than the truth. Paper presented at Off the Witness Stand: Using Psychology in the Practice of Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York.
Honts, C. R. & Kassin, S. M. (2007, September). False confessions by juvenile offenders as believable as true confessions. Paper presented at Interrogations & Confessions: A Conference Exploring Current Research, Practice, and Policy, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas.
Forrey, S. A. & Honts, C. R. (2006, April). Individual views of felons returning to the community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Honts, C. R. (2006, March). The science of false confessions. Invited address presented at: Life in the Balance 2006: Defending Death Penalty Cases. National Legal Aid & Defender Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Honts, C. R. (2006, March). The polygraph in 2006: Basic issues and novel uses. Invited address presented at: Life in the Balance 2006: Defending Death Penalty Cases. National Legal Aid & Defender Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Honts, C. R. (2006, March). Polygraph in the American courts: Current status, novel uses, and future prospects. Invited address presented at the European Expert Meeting on Polygraph Testing: Practical Session, Maastrich, The Netherlands.
Honts, C. R. (2006, March). The science of psychophysiological deception detection: An analysis from an applied scientific perspective. Invited address presented at the European Expert Meeting on Polygraph Testing: Research Session, Maastrich, The Netherlands.
Honts, C. R. (2006, April). Contemporary research on the comparison question test. Invited address given at the Unit for Criminal, Legal and Investigative Psychology, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden.
Honts, C. R. (2006, April). Deception and deception detection: The unwanted psychology. Presidential address delivered at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, The Canyons, Utah.
Honts, C. R. (2006, October). The psychophysiological detection of deception: The state of the science in 2006. Invited address given at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Honts, C. R., Huck, B., & Sanders, S. (2006, April). Certainly, I would know a false confession by a juvenile if I saw one? Paper presented in the Presidential symposium: Contemporary deception and deception detection research in the Rocky Mountain Region, at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Turnblom, K.A. & Honts, C. R. (2006, April). Mortality Salience and attitudes toward the death penalty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Turnblom, K. A., & Honts, Charles, C. R. (2006, April). Indications of truthfulness resulting from race perceptions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Forrest, K., Ewton, S., & Honts, C. R., (2005, March). “I confess …I hit the ‘ALT’ key:” Could the “ALT” key be misleading special knowledge? Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Conference in La Jolla, California, USA.
Honts, C. R. (2005, March). Information gain for the psychophysiological detection of deception. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Conference in La Jolla, California, USA.
Honts, C. R. (2005, May). Polygraph countermeasures. Invited lecture at Second Chinese National Seminar on Polygraph. Luoyang, China.
Honts, C. R. (2005, November). The psychology of false confessions. Invited address at the Atlantic Canadian Conference: Understanding Wrongful Convictions, sponsored by Saint John Police Force and Office of the Attorney General of New Brunswick. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
Honts, C. R., & Raskin, D. C. (2005, May). The directed lie comparison question. Invited lectures at Second Chinese National Seminar on Polygraph. Luoyang, China.
Honts, C. R., & Raskin, D. C. (2005, May). The polygraph in employment and national security. Invited lectures at Second Chinese National Seminar on Polygraph. Luoyang, China.
Honts, C. R. (2005, September). Deception and deception detection. Invited address at the Fraud and Identity Theft Conference, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
Honts, C. R., & Turnblom, K. A., (2005, August). Eyewitness identification more difficult under low illumination: Live Event Experiment. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Raskin, D. C., & Honts, C. R. (2005, May). Polygraph techniques. Invited lectures at Second Chinese National Seminar on Polygraph. Luoyang, China.
Raskin, D. C., & Honts, C. R. (2005, May). Polygraph numerical scoring system. Invited lectures at Second Chinese National Seminar on Polygraph. Luoyang, China.
Raskin, D. C., & Honts, C. R. (2005, July). Using the polygraph in employment and national security. Paper presented at: Workshop on the Use of Autonomic and Somatic Measures for Security Evaluations, John C. Kircher, Chair, National Science Foundation and Office of Science and Technology Effort to Propose an Agenda for Research on Security Evaluations. National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia.
Turnblom, K., & Honts, C. R. (2005, March). The accuracy of eyewitness identification under differing illumination condition. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Conference in La Jolla, California USA.
Turnblom K., & Honts, C. R. (2005, April). The accuracy of eyewitness identification in sequential lineups and varied illumination. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
Turnblom K., & Honts, C. R. (2005, April). Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Religiosity And Feelings Of Regret About Sexual Behavior. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
Anders, S., Forrest, K. D., & Honts, C. R., (March, 2004). Uncommon knowledge: getting judges past what they think they know and gaining acceptance for expert testimony in social science disciplines. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Forrest, K. D., Honts, C. R., & Anders, S. (March, 2004). Laypersons’ predictions of research findings sometimes fail to demonstrate common knowledge. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Hill, B., Honts, C., Lutsky, N., & Lodge, G. (2004, April). Perspectives on teaching: The young, old, & the aged. STP/CTUP Conversation Hour, R. Miller, Moderator, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R. (2004, March). The polygraph in 2004: How to tell the good from the bad in both science and practice. Invited address presented at Life in the Balance 2004: Defending Death Penalty Cases. National Legal Aid & Defender Association, Memphis, Tennessee.
Honts, C. R., & Forrest, K. D., (2004, April). A cautionary note for the teaching of psychology and law: Media images may be more persuasive than data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R., & Raskin, D. C. (March, 2004). Polygraph critics advocate convicting the innocent. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Bell, V., Booras, A., Hunsaker, C., Mower, K., Villamarin, V., Wilson, S., Forrest, K., & Honts C. R. (2003, April). Women give fewer false confessions than men in a laboratory study. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Meeting, Denver Co.
Forrest, K. D., Wilson, S. L., & Honts, C. R. (2003, July). Think about what you have done in the past: Does rumination elicit false confessions? Paper presented at the Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychology and Law, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Honts, C. R. (2003, March). The psychophysiological detection of deception: The state of the science in 2003. Invited address given at: Rättspsykologiskt symposium: Hur avslöjas en lögnare? (Deception Detection in Forensic Contexts.) Sponsored by the Unit for Criminal, Legal and Investigative Psychology, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden.
Honts, C. R. (2003, October). Participant perceptions support the rationale of the comparison question test for the psychophysiological detection of deception. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Chicago, Illinois.
Skogsberg, K., & Honts, C. R., & Wolfe, G. (2003, April). Case studies of EEG biofeedback training using a measurement of affect. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Alloway, W. R., & Honts, C. R. (2002, April). An information countermeasure has no effect on the validity of the Test for Espionage and Sabotage (TES). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Honts, C. R. (2002, April). A higher education application of Åronson’s Jigsaw Technique. Invited lecture sponsored by the APA Higher Education Directorate & the Society for the Teaching of Psychology at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Honts, C. R. (2002, September). Countermeasures, can we detect them, the scientific research, and can we neutralize them. Invited address at the Midwest Polygraph Training Seminar. Sponsored by the National Polygraph Association, Kansas Polygraph Association, Missouri Polygraph Association and the Nebraska Polygraph Association, Overland Park, Kansas.
Honts, C. R. (2002, September). The directed lie technique. Invited address at the Midwest Polygraph Training Seminar. Sponsored by the National Polygraph Association, Kansas Polygraph Association, Missouri Polygraph Association and the Nebraska Polygraph Association, Overland Park, Kansas.
Honts, C. R., Thurber, S., Cvencek, D., & Alloway, W. (2002, March). General acceptance of the polygraph by the scientific community: Two surveys of professional attitudes. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society biennial meeting, Austin, Texas.
Villamarin, V. A., Honts, C. R. (2002, April). A comparison of three methods of scoring comparison question polygraph tests. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Park City, Utah.
Cvencek, D., Honts, C. R., Kruger-Warn, E., Alloway, W., Hunsaker, C., & Nudson, O. N. (2001, April). Psycho-legal scholars report positive attitudes towards polygraph validity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R. (2001, April). Truth or just bias: The strange mix of psychology, law and the detection of deception. RMPA Invited Lecture, presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R. (2001, April). Truth or bias: Psychology and the polygraph. Invited address, distinguished lectures in Psychology, The University of Nebraska, Kearney.
Honts, C. R. (2001, April). Child Witness: Credibility and Assessment. Invited address, distinguished lectures in Psychology, The University of Nebraska, Kearney.
Honts, C. R. (2001, April). Documenting your credentials when applying for graduate school and for academic employment. In S. Amato, C. R. Honts, & J. Purdy: Where’s the beef? Obtaining and demonstrating skills essential for employment and graduate school, a symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R. (2001, April). Undergraduate involvement in an active detection of deception laboratory. In A. Webb: Undergraduate teaching and research: Roles are constrained only by imagination, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (Div 2) Invited symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Honts, C. R. (2001, July). Validity of the polygraph when used for national security screening. Invited presentation before the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council Division on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph. Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Amato, S. L., Dillinger, R. J., & Honts, C. R. (2000, March). Psychophysiological detection of deception exams in the treatment of sex offenders. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society biennial meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hanson, G., Kruger-Warn, E. R., Honts, C. R., & Thurber, S. (2000, May). Approaches to the analysis of 2 X 3 contingency tables in detection of deception research: A Monte Carlo analysis. Paper given at the annual meeting of the Idaho Psychological Association, Boise, Idaho.
Honts, C. R., Amato, S., & Gordon, A. (2000, March). Outside issues dramatically reduce the accuracy of polygraph tests given to innocent individuals. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society biennial meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kruger-Warn, E. R., Hanson, G., Honts, C. R., & Thurber, S. (2000, May). Approaches to the analysis of 2 X 3 contingency tables in detection of deception research: A power analysis for a small effect. Paper given at the annual meeting of the Idaho Psychological Association, Boise, Idaho.
Amato, S. L., & Honts, C. R. (1999, May). Automated polygraph examination outperforms human in employment screening context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Amato, S. L., & Honts, C. R. (1999, July). Polygraph testing in the American courts: A mismatch between science and the law. Paper presented at the International Psychology Law Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Honts, C. R. (1999, August). Polygraph algorithms: What are they? and Do they work? Invited address at the annual meeting of the American Polygraph Association, Dallas, Texas.
Honts, C. R., & Amato, S. (1999, April). Human v. machine: Research examining the automation of polygraph testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Fort Collins Colorado.
Otter, K. D., Amato, S., & Honts, C. R. (1999, April). Spontaneous countermeasures during polygraph examinations: An apparent exercise in futility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Fort Collins Colorado.
Amato, S. L. & Honts, C. R. (1998, March). The impairing effects of misinformation: Challenging the permanence of memory. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Biennial Conference, Redondo Beach, California.
Devitt, M. K., Honts, C. R., & Letterman, M. R. (1998, March). Regional differences effect mock juror decisions and trial outcome in cases involving sexual abuse allegations. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Biennial Conference, Redondo Beach, California.
Honts, C. R. (1998, April). Psychological science in the courtroom: Five years after Daubert. Symposium presented (and chaired) at the joint meeting of the Western Psychological Association and the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Honts, C. R. (1998, April). The polygraph after Daubert. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the Western Psychological Association and the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Amato, S. L., & Honts, C. R. (1997, May). Understanding misinformation’s effect on memory through a concealed knowledge test paradigm. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.
Honts, C. R. (1997, May). Is it time to reject the friendly polygraph examiner hypothesis (FEPH)? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, D.C.
Nowell, B., Lamet, J. Amato, S. L., & Honts, C. R. (1997, April). Child abuse vs. normal interactions: A review of the literature. Paper presented the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Reno, Nevada.
Orner, V. L., Devitt, M. K., Honts, C. R., & Donaldson, J. S. (1997, March). Regional attitude differences toward repressed and nonrepressed memories. Paper presented at the Oklahoma Psychological Association and Oklahoma Psychological Society 15th Annual Spring Conference to Encourage and Develop Psychological Research, Edmond, OK.
Orner, V. L., Devitt, M. K., & Honts, C. R. (May, 1997). Regional differences in attitudes toward repressed and nonrepressed memories. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Fort Worth, Texas.
Amato-Henderson, S. L., Honts, C. R., & Plaud, J. J. (October, 1996). Effects of misinformation on the concealed knowledge test. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Devitt, M. K., Honts, C. R., & Loftus, E. F. (April, 1996). The effects of misinformation on memory for complete events. Paper presented at the 1996 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Houston, Texas.
Devitt, M. K., Honts, C. R., & Timm, T. M. (April, 1996). Sleeping memories revisited: Mock jurors' attitudes regarding repressed memories. Paper presented at the 1996 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Houston, Texas.
Devitt, M. K., Loftus, E. F. & Honts, C. R. (November, 1996) 'Memory for fictitious events. Paper presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Inc, Chicago, IL.
Honts, C. R. (April, 1996). Science and the child witness: Credibility and its assessment. Invited address given at the Idaho Psychological Association meetings in Sun Valley, Idaho.
Tye, M. J. C., & Honts, C. R. (August, 1996). Evaluating children's testimonies with training in criteria based content analysis. Paper presented at the meetings of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Honts, C. R. (October, 1995). The Raskin legacy: Psychophysiology, psychology, and the law. Paper given in C. R. Honts and S. W. Porges, The Raskin legacy: From Pavlov to the law: A preconference symposium honoring David C. Raskin. Special Event at the annual meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Canada.
Honts, C. R., & Kircher, J. C. (October, 1995). Legends of the concealed knowledge test: Lykken's distributional scoring system fails to detect countermeasures. Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Canada.
Kircher, J. C., Raskin, D. C., Honts, C. R., & Horowitz, S. W. (October, 1995). Lens model analysis of decision-making by field polygraph examiners. Paper presented at the meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Canada.
Tye, M. J. C., & Honts, C. R. (November, 1995). Training in a new assessment technique (SVA) for the diagnosis of the sexually abused child. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.
Last Updated - 22 February 2012